
您好, 欢迎浏览我们缴费服务的网站!

在墨西哥🇲🇽申请美国签证, 需要在墨西哥的当地银行用墨西哥比索缴纳签证费用, 缴费成功后可以在签证的预约网站上选择合适自己的面谈时间和城市.

把缴费单PDF用微信发给小邹后, 我们会为您快速的在当地银行缴纳签证费用(服务费$30).

美国西部时间下午3点之前收到的缴费单, 都可以当天缴费; 3点之后收到的缴费单会在下个工作日缴费.

Advance travel planning and early visa application are important. 从银行缴费成功到可以开始预约, 系统更新需要时间(偶尔甚至2个工作日), 需要尽快拿到签证的小伙伴请尽早申请和缴费.

申请缴费单的具体步骤 (链接🔗)

缴纳后的签证费用, 有效期为一年, 可以用在墨西哥所有的美领馆(1个大使馆, 9个领事馆), 预约后的时间和城市一年内还可以根据个人需要更改(无次数限制).

Data source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/find-your-consular-location/


微信号: Phone626-399-7429

欢迎免费加入下面的”墨西哥🇲🇽美签🇺🇸”群里面咨询和交流, 不收茶水/会员费.

Telegram电报群: https://t.me/MexicoXZ (链接🔗)

Discord群: https://discord.gg/5bpcRtGsDD (链接🔗)


新成员可以查看群里之前的群聊, 链接和图片. 群里除了交流签证经验之外, 还可以在群里和同时间段会去墨西哥的小伙伴们组队结伴. 旅程会更安全, 省钱, 一起吃喝玩乐, 还可以交到新朋友. 

The legal topics covered in the group discussion are meant to be educational and informative, and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. Group members are NOT legal advisors and are NOT affiliated with the U.S. consulates in Mexico. For any legal advice, please contact your attorney or Designated School Officials for their professional advice.

While we are committed to facilitating the payment (and payment only) for visa applicants, we cannot predict the process, timeline and the outcome (nobody can).

Visas must be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the law, and in some cases, this involves administrative processing. The protection of national security remains the highest priority in all matters and please be assured that the Embassy and the State Department will adjudicate the visa as soon as its qualifications have been verified.

Every country wants her own people and her visitors to be safe and towards that end government are taking extra precautions, but America remains an open and welcoming country.